Not Ignored At The Rapture
(too old to reply)
2009-04-05 05:38:20 UTC
The Scriptural truth Jesus gave the world
from heaven to begin the Protestant movement
is being generally opposed, suppressed, and ignored:
We have eternal life the moment we trust Christ alone
for salvation because then he regards his righteousness
as though it were ours.
Because that truth is being ignored,
people except for relatively few are not trusting
Christ alone for their salvation but rather
as the popular salvation teaching leads them
to divide their trust between Christ and their surrender.
Those who ignore the truth that Jesus gave
and trust in their own supposed righteousness
rather than in Christ to be their entire righteousness
for salvation, are not ready for the Rapture of the Church.
Those who ignore Christ will be ignored by him
at the Rapture of the Church.
But those who trust in Christ alone for salvation
have eternal life, are ready for the Rapture,
and will not go into the global Tribulation.

Jon R
2009-04-16 18:51:43 UTC

While I agree the Rome corupted the truth of God. Jesus did not
create the protestant movement, he told us the truth that his Father
told him. He created his Church that was going on even during the RCC
attacks on his Church, even before the Protestant movement began.
We have eternal life the moment we trust Christ alone for salvation because then he regards his > righteousness as though it were ours.
Because that truth is being ignored, people except for relatively few are not trusting Christ alone for their > salvation but rather
as the popular salvation teaching leads the.
to divide their trust between Christ and their surrender.
Those who ignore the truth that Jesus gave and trust in their own supposed righteousness rather than in > Christ to be their entire righteousness
for salvation, are not ready for the Rapture of the Church.
Those who ignore Christ will be ignored by him at the Rapture of the Church.
But those who trust in Christ alone for salvation have eternal life, are ready for the Rapture,
and will not go into the global Tribulation.

Agreed,Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life.
--    http://roines.home.mindspring.com
Jon R
2009-04-20 04:37:08 UTC
Another point is that while Luther broke (only in part) from the RCC,
he didn't go back to just believing the bible. Nor did any of the
groups I know of to date, Rome brought back pagan worship (Easter and
Sun god worship) Easter was not even name changed and it still found
by solar calculations.
The Sun gods were born on Dec 25th and the feastival of trees also
connect to it. We may disagree s to the exact date of Jesus birth,
however he could not have been born in Dec as the shepherds ere still
in the fields with the sheep. I also see no reason God the Father
would not have used one of his Dates (the feasts of Israel).

